6 ways to be motivated

6 Way to Stay Motivated

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Motivation plays a huge role in our success because it’s the driving force that allows us to reach our goals.

It won’t matter how skilled we are or how much of a plan we have, if we don’t have the motivation to take consistent action, we’ll fall short on achieving our goals.

But when we face challenges, setbacks, or are just having a bad day, being motivated can seem so far out of our reach.

So how can we do it?

Here are 6 ways to help you stay motivated

  • Revisit your goals: Goals change because we change and our projects change. Remind yourself of your important objectives and WHY you’ve deemed them to be so. Track them in order to measure your progress, and celebrate your progress along the way. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and will definitely help you to stay motivated. And on the flipside, if you’re falling behind on your goals, that awareness just may be what you need to get that motivation spark back.
  • Limit your distractions: Distractions can throw us off track, making it harder to get back on track, which can often wipe out all of our motivation. Distractions can also lead to procrastination, the ultimate demise to motivation. You may want to take your environment into account on this one as well. For example, if you’re working on something from home and are constantly distracted with what’s around you, head over to the library or coffee shop, where you’re forced to only work on the task at hand.
  • Disconnect from time to time: Give yourself a break and disconnect from what you’re working on. Set time aside for yourself to go for a run, do some yoga, or whatever physical activity you like. Quiet self-care is also important, like reading a book or taking a hot bath. Often in our processes of disconnection comes some of our greatest sources of creativity and new solutions.
  • Make daily to-do lists: When we set goals, it’s important to zoom out and set short-term goals that will help us to get there. This will keep us from feeling overwhelmed, and enable us to break our goals down into steps. We can then create daily to-do lists and weekly planning in order to put these steps into action, giving us a way to measure our progress, a key factor to our motivation.
  • Listen to music: Music has been created for our emotions. We listen to music when we’re pushing ourselves to run that last mile or to sweat through that last power lift. Music has so much power in the way we feel, so use it to your motivational benefit.
  • Keep motivation in your environment: Whether that’s a networking group who holds you accountable for your goals, positive and supportive friends, or a motivating podcast/video, be intentional of what you keep in your day-to-day environment.

Motivation is the fuel to reaching our goals. Keep yourself motivated and watch how far you can go.

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