9 Characteristics

9 Characteristics That Make a Good Leader

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We all rely on leaders….to run our countries, to run our companies, to run our communities.

Without good leaders, we would live in chaos. Our organizations, no matter how big or small, would lack uniformity.

So what makes a good leader? 

There are many components to good leadership. At the end of the day, a good leader makes us feel safe.

We’ve broken down good leadership in 9 characteristics:

    1. Integrity: A strong set of morals is the first step in getting people to believe in what you believe. It helps you gain respect. Integrity is also when you honor your word, and when you honor your word, you gain people’s trust.

    1. Confidence: Not to be confused with arrogance. A leader needs to be able to make decisions, sometimes tough ones, and needs to feel confident in themselves to do so. They need to believe in what they stand for and have the courage to fight for it.

    1. Strong Communication: Leaders set the vision and mission for their organizations, and if they cannot effectively communicate their beliefs and ideas, it will be extremely difficult for their teams to achieve their objectives. Often teams fall short because the members aren’t clear on the goals, nor what’s expected of them.

    1. Ability to motivate: One of the most important ingredients to a sustainably successful business is a motivated team. Remember your WHY and continuously remind your team why you all do what you do. Set incentives. Give promotions. A motivated team is a happy team and will go all the way for you.

    1. Innovative: We’re living in a technological revolution and in a state of constant change. It’s important for leaders to think outside of the box and come up with creative solutions.

    1. Know how to delegate: Don’t try and be a superhero or else you’re going to run yourself to the ground. A good leader knows what he or she is best at, focuses on those things, and delegates the rest. This also give their team purpose and satisfaction, as they have a sense that the leader trusts them with the delegated tasks.

    1. Passion: When you want people to stand behind your WHY, you first have to show passion for it, otherwise, it’s going to be difficult for others to be passionate about it. Passion fuels motivation.

    1. Accountability: A good leader has its people’s back. If and when there’s a problem, they take full responsibility. This is a result of being confident that you’ve had your integrity and communicated effectively. Also, a good leader holds their people and teams accountable, which helps give their people a sense of purpose.

  1. Empathy: Learning to empathize with your people will allow them to trust you, and trust is what makes people feel safe. When you empathize with your people, they feel encouraged. They feel motivated. And once again, they’ll go all the way for you.

Leadership is a responsibility. It’s not about being an authoritative figure who bosses people around. 

It’s about taking care of your people. Setting the example. Going first into the unknown, taking all the risks, and protecting your people along the way. 

They provide the tools and guidance that enables their people to be the best that they can be.

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