New Beginnings

New Beginnings: Starting Fresh in the Face of a Pandemic

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Covid-19 has massively changed the way we live our lives. At this point it is unclear when, and even if, things will get back to what we used to see as normal. Entire industries have collapsed, mentalities have been altered, and the ways we carry out everyday tasks have been redesigned. But in the face of all of this upheaval, be sure to keep an eye out for the ways in which we are growing. Where industries are collapsing, new industries are beginning to flourish. Outdated mentalities are being reexamined. We are reshaping ourselves to survive under new circumstances. In this article I will point out an opportunity hidden amongst the tragedy of this pandemic: the opportunity to start fresh. 


Adapting to the New Normal

Human beings are amazing for their capability to adapt to new situations. That’s not to say we like adapting. In fact, most of us don’t like change very much at all. This pandemic has forced us to make very significant changes to our lives, very quickly. So you’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed. We’re all feeling this way together. 

I wanted to share some thoughts that I hope will be helpful during this ongoing process of re-adjustment.

The first of these thoughts is… it’s okay to not feel okay. While this article is about reframing our thinking into exploring an opportunity for change, I don’t mean to say it’s an easy thing to do. Things are very uncertain right now, and the unknown can be terrifying. Don’t feel ashamed to seek support from others, and to give yourself room to feel what you really feel. 

The second thought I wanted to share is… focus on the things you can control. Having a routine for yourself is very helpful in times when the world around you seems to be in chaos. Just the simple act of keeping your house clean can work wonders on your mental state. In addition to getting work done each day, plan times for having some fun, connecting with others virtually, staying fit, and (just as important) relaxing.


An Opportunity to Reflect

The way covid-19 has unraveled our lives as we knew them, we are in a unique set of circumstances that allow us a powerful opportunity to reflect. What did we value most before, and what do we value most now? If we’re rebuilding, are there outdated ways of being that we don’t want to repeat? Who are we as individuals, and what would we like to change about ourselves? 

It often takes tragedies to create moments like this in history, when the world and the individuals in it are forced to re-evaluate how they were doing before and how they want to be doing in the future. Right now, we are at one of these historic turning-points. 


Embracing a Fresh Start

You might be thinking, “Where do I even begin?” With all this rethinking and rebuilding to be done, it’s easy to feel lost and powerless. But there are some simple yet powerful ways that you can start to embrace change. Some of them you might be doing already. Some of them you’ll have seen people around you experimenting with. Here are a few of them.

Rethinking your career path.

Were you happy in your career path before the pandemic hit? If you’re like a lot of people, you were just kind of floating along, surviving day to day, paying bills and not exactly in love with what you do for work. This is a big opportunity for each of us to step back and redefine what it is we would love to do for a living. What would make you happy to get out of bed each morning? What value do you have hidden within your skillset that would bring joy to people around you? 

Focusing on your home life.

It is certainly difficult being stuck at home like this, there’s no denying that. But we now have a unique opportunity to put some focus into making our homes a happy, cozy place. Spend quality time with your family. If you have a dog, spend quality time with him by taking him on a long walk each day (he’ll love you for it!). Put time and energy into making repairs on your home that always got overlooked before, and start to improve your home in ways you always wished you had the time for. 

Work on yourself.

Put time and energy into self-improvement. This could be learning a new language, or finally getting fit. Invest in your future by taking a course that will advance you in your career path. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure. Start a vision board and get motivated about goals you want to achieve. Putting work into improving yourself isn’t selfish – in fact it puts you in an even better position to affect the lives of others positively. 

Tap into your creativity.

You don’t have to be a master painter to get creative. Just chose a creative hobby that always sounded kind of fun to you, whether it’s pottery or ballroom dancing, and start to focus some energy on that. The joy that comes from creating something new is just the kind of joy we need in our lives at this time of the world. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece! Creativity is a perfect outlet for pent-up energy.



We’re all going through a lot, and one of the main challenges we are facing is learning to adapt in the face of change. But we can shift our perspective to view this uncertain time as a unique opportunity for a fresh start. I hope that reframing this experience in a positive light helps you to feel more optimistic about things. If this information helped you, please share this article with a friend or loved-one who you think might need it. 


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